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Institute Of International Education Celebrates 100 Years Of Transforming  Lives

Martin Lipton Honored with The IIE Stephen P. Duggan Award For Mutual Understanding

Marty Lipton, Ken Langone, and Larry Silverstein in Conversation moderated by Maria Bartiromo...

NEW YORK,NY(SMI-PHILANTHROPY,10.31.19)-Hundreds of leaders in business,philanthropy, government, and higher education gathered for a memorable evening at The Pierre New York Hotel on Wednesday, October 30 for the Institute of International Education's Centennial Gala.


Martin Lipton was honored with the IIE Stephen P. Duggan Award for Mutual Understanding in recognition of his lifetime of extraordinary achievement and his lasting contribution to international higher education. During Lipton's tenure as chairman of the New York University board of trustees, he led the effort that made NYU the first global network university.


"I am honored to receive the Duggan Award from IIE," Lipton said."I hope it will inspire others to palce a high value on the international exchange of ideas."

Lipton continues to serve on the boards of NYU, NYU Law, and NYU Langone Health; and he is trustee and chairman emeritus of Prep fro Pre. He is a founding partner of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, specializing in advising major corporations on mergers and acquisitions and matters affecting corporate policy and strategy.

Lipton also has acted as special counsel to the United States Department

of Energy.

"I don't think any university anywhere could point to a chair who has done more for it than Marty Lipton has done for NYU," John Sexton, president emeritus of NYU, said."He charted a course that took our university from being a regional university to a respected global research university that is admired far and wide for its drive, momentum, and accomplishments."

Lipton was later joined onstage by Ken Langone and Larry Silverstein for a conversation moderated by two-time Emmy winning journalist and business news anchor Maria Bartiromo. Langone is a co-founder of The Home Depot and the founder and chief executive officer of Invemed

Associates LLC. Silverstein is the chairman of Silverstein Properties, INC. and has been a leader in the redevelpment of the World Trade Center after 9/11.

The panel discussion covered a wide range of issues, including the impact that international educational experiences have on the workforce and businesses, the process of the international transformation of NYU, and the current state of the business world and global economy.

In celebration of IIE's 100th anniversary, the winners of the newly launched IIE Centennial Fellowships were announced. Funded by private contributions including an endowment named in memory of former IIE Trustee Rodman C. Rockefeller, the IIE Centennial Fellowships honor IIE's long association with the Fulbright program. Created in 1946, the Fulbright Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs, and

administered by IIE and other implementing partners. Each year, this prestigious fellowship competition at IIE will be open to all Fulbright Program alumni. Winning projects will hightlight the values of mutual understanding, leadership, and impact and will be designed  to help solve the world's most pressing problems.


"Education is the best we've ever invented to try to solve humanity's problems and assure its future," said IIE President and CEO Allan E. Goodman.


Marie Royce, Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural

Affairs, spoke about ECA's mission to advance U.S. foreign policy objectives through educational, professional, cultural, and sports exchanges that promote mutual understanding between the people of the United States and people of the nations. 

"Our programs send over 300,000 people overseas annually, playing a key role in shaping America's public diplomacy efforts, and helping strengthen relationships around the world." Mrs. Royce, a former university professor and businesswoman, has over 30 years of experience in the private sector. Before joining the State Department, she held senior management position at Marriott International, Alcatel-Lucent, and Procter & Gamble, among others.

As part of IIE's 100th anniversary year, the organization was featured

in an episode of the PBS series Treasures of New York. The documentary tells the story of IIE's impact from 1919 to the present and may be viewed on the series' website:

The IIE Centennial Gala raised funds to support IIE's efforts to prepare the next generation of leaders, widen access to higher education, and serve as a lifeline to imperiled students and scholars around the world.

The Gala was underwritten by the AngelsonFamily Foundation. Serving as co-chairs for the event were: Calvin G. Butler, Jr.; Barbara M. Byrne,

Martha m. Farkouh; Colleen Goggins; Peter M. Gottsegen; Jack M. Greenberg ; Vartan Gregorian; Ruth Hinerfeld; Thomas S. Johnson; Henry Kaufman; Laya Khadjavi; Laurence  C. Morse; Hartley Rogers; Thomas A. Russo; John Sexton; HRH Princess Ghida Takak; and Linda Vester.




About the Institute of International Education (IIE):

The Institute of International Education, establlished in 1919, is focused

on utilizing education to promote peace and mutual understanding in today's interconnected world. IIE develops and manages more than 200 international education and cultural exchange programs with participants from more than 180 countries. 

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