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Democratic Candidate & Former US Vice-President  

Joe Biden Wins
2020 US Presidential Race and Becomes the 46th US President Elect Defeating Incumbent President Donald J. Trump on a Historic Presidential Election

NEW YORK, N.Y.(SMI-POLITICS-11.03-11.07.20)-Former US Vice-President under Obama administration and 2020 Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden defeated incumbent President Donald J. Trump accumulating over 270 College electorate votes, and becomes the 46th U.S. President elect during a marathon and historic close 2020 U.S. Presidential race.

An unpresedented US presidential election-where despite being under current attack by the global coronavirus pandemic Covid-19,  a record number of Americans made their voice heard by voting in person or mailed-in or dropping their absentee ballots in advance playing a big role in selecting the new and 46th US president elect for the first time in U.S. history.

The global coronavirus Covid-19 has claimed and counting the lives of 232,773 of Fellow-Americans and 1,225.420 overall worldwide with not cure vaccine yet available to combat this deathly virus.

Joe Biden wins the 2020 presidential election after flipping four swing-red states Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and clinching it with Pennsylvania after a 5 days marathon ballots count giving him a total of 284 electorates votes. 



Kamala Harris, who ran along Biden in this presidential race as Vice-President  candidate, makes history as well becoming the first US Vice-President women and women of color to be elect at the White House. 


A divided nation with opposite ideas who should run the country,

the new and 46th US president elect Joe Biden has a tough task ahead of him to heal and unite the country for a better future of America.There are not losers but winners in this year US presidential election:



Alabama Alaska Arkansa Florida Idaho  Indiana  Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi

 Nebraska Nevada Florida North Carolina Hawaii Idaho Missouri Montana  North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma South Dakota South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah West Virginia Wyoming

Arizona  California Colorado Connecticut Delaware  Hawai Illinois Nebraska Maine

Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota New Hampshire New Jersey

New Mexico  New York Georgia Oregon  Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont

Virginia Washington Wisconsin

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