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Photo: Robert Kraft, Mario Draghi, Rabbi Arthur Schneier & Jean-Paul Agon

Appeal of Conscience Foundation Honors
Italian Prime-Minister Mario Draghi, Robert Kraft, Chairman & CEO of the Kraft Group and
Jean-Paul Agon, Chairman of the L'Oreal Group
at its 2022-57th Annual AOCF Awards Gala..!

NEW YORK, NY (SMI-PHILANTHROPY, 09.19-09.22.22)-The Appeal of Conscience Foundation, an interfaith organization who advocate for religious freedom and human rights with its President & Founder Rabbi Arthur Schneier, celebrated its 2022-57th annual Appeal of Conscience Foundation Awards gala on Monday, September 19, honoring Prime-Minister of Italy, Mario Draghi with the " 2022 World Statement Award", and Robert Kraft (Chairman & CEO of the Kraft Group) and Jean-Paul Agon(Chairman of the L'Oreal Group) with the Appeal of Conscience Awards at the renowned Pierre Hotel on Fifth Avenue, New York City.

World Statesman Award:

"The Prime Minister was honored for his long-time multi-faceted leadership in finance and public service that has benefited Italy and the European Union and has helped international cooperation," stated Rabbi Arthur Schneier, the President and founder of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation. "Prime Minister Draghi is a uniting and visionary leader with the financial, political, and economic expertise to deal with the complex economic, humanitarian and geopolitical issues facing the world today." Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, 1999 ACF  World Statesmen honoree delivered the laudation.

Mr. Draghi has served as Primer Minister since February of 2021 and was in New York to address the United Nations Assembly.In July of 2022, Mr. Draghi announced that he would resign as Prime Minister.

Mario Draghi has provided Italy with stability, he boosted the country's international influence and put together an almost $190 billion plan for using the EU's post pandemic recovery fund. He has been an influential and highly respected voice in the EU, pushing for ambitious joint European solutions to the energy crisis.

Prior to his position as Prime Minister, Mr. Draghi served as President of the European Central bank from 2011 until 2019.He was also Chair of the Financial Stability Board from 2009 to 2011 and Governor of the Bank of Italy from 2006 to 2011.


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Photo: Mario Draghi(Italy's Prime Minister)

Appeal of Conscience Award:The Appeal of Conscience Award is presented to visionary business executives with a sense of social responsibility who use their resources and vast reach across borders to better serve the global community.

Starlight Illustrated/Starlight Media Illustrated
Wall Street Station, P.O.Box 859, New York, New York 10268 USA. All Rights Reserved 2025.

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